Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Future of Turbonegro Uncertain.

According to Norway's VG website it's looking as though Turbonegro's future is quite uncertain due to the disease of Scientology and general unhappiness within the band after their latest album Retox fell flat.

If you can read Norwegian the whole story is here but below you can read a few translated quotes.

Earlier this summer, guitarist Knut Schreiner said he was going in a different musical direction. He also emphasized that if a new Turbonegro album was to be talked about, it had to be filled with vitality and inspiration - something he doesn't feel the band has in it at the moment.

Already on extra time.

Thomas Seltzer points out that the band has worked a bit of overtime already.

"We were just going to have three comack concerts in 2002. Now it's become seven years, three albums and about 12 tours" he says.

VG has learned that there is supposed to be a lot of discontent internally in Turbonegro, around vocalist Hank von Hell's crusade against the pharmaceutical industry and his connection to the Church of Scientology.

"He is a dedicated man, I can't say much more than that. It's his crusade, it has nothing to do with Turbo. We are not a political party, and one has to be allowed to express oneself even if one plays in a band" says Seltzer who is amused by his colleage's dabbling in Scientology.

"If we make a new record, we'll see if there will be any songs about L. Ron Hubbard", he laughs.

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