Friday, March 6, 2009

Michael Jackson's London Farewell Concerts

Heard the news? Michael Jackson announced details yesterday of ten London gigs. The ten shows, with the tag-line, 'Is This It?', will be played at London's O2 Arena.

The first concert will be on July 8, with tickets going on sale for £50-£75. Those tickets will be like gold, and will likely have a re-sale value for over 10 times that price. That's one news story I'm definitely expecting to hear about in July; there will probably be some touts re-selling tickets for over £1000.

Chances are that you either regard the man as a being freak-show Wacko or, alternatively, the legendary King Of Pop - I think it's probably safe to call him both. In any case it is certain that this will be one of the most publicised and talked about events of the year.

Just don't expect those shows to go smoothly... I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing get's cancelled after a couple of nights.

For anyone interested, the official ticket pre-sale site is available here.

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