Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rick from The Casualties chases fan out of venue

What does Rick from The Casualties do when someone in the audience shouts at his band and calls them "fake punk"? Well, he throws his bass down and chases the kid out of the venue! In all the hundreds of shows I've been to, I've never actually see a band member chase an audience member out the door.

This happened on Saturday, October 25, at Big Giant and the Extravaganza, a one-day festival in Allentown, Pennsylvania. You can read about it here in Alison's review from the show on Music Vice: Big Giant and the Extravaganza show review.

This made my day! Wish I'd seen it myself.

Brian, the editor

1 comment:

  1. LOL! man that kid must have been shitting bricks

    the casualties kick ass
