Monday, April 20, 2009

The Amazing Susan Boyle

By now are probably aware of a lady called Susan Boyle. Her performance on the TV show 'Britain's Got Talent' - the same show that launched tenor Paul Pott's to global fame - has captured the hearts of millions of people across the world.

Susan Boyle is such an average lady - at least on first glance. She is 47 years old, unemployed, and lives in a village in Scotland. She's also never been kissed. It was not surprising that Simon Cowell gazed at her mockingly on first sight. The audience also seemed primed to split their sides laughing, at what on appearance looked like another wannabe-singer ready to get rejected by the judges and suffer the himulation of being embarassed on TV in front of millions.

But then Boyle sang. And, my how she sang!! If you have not seen this video yet then you need to. Susan Boyle has one of the most amazingly beautiful voices you will ever hear.

Click to watch Susan Boyle on YouTube

Susan Boyle is a rare gem, and such refreshing find for a music industry that is dominated by airbrushed popstars and rockstars. On top of that, she has now become the champion of all underdogs. Boyle is an inspiration to any one out there who may have been trambled in life - she has never let go of her dreams, and in the end she has done achieved the seemingly impossible, the incredible.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Metallica Inducted Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

Today Metallica were entered into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Flea of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers described Metallica as “fucking rad” before inviting the band onto the stage. The other 2009 inductees were Jeff Beck, Little Anthony & the Imperials, Bobby Womack and Run-D.M.C.

I've got to admit that I'd never heard of Little Anthony & the Imperials before now, or at least they've escaped my memory. A quick search on Google helped me discover who they were... I guess chances are I've heard a song or two by them at some point in an old movie or something.

Clearly there is a large variety in style and sound of the artists that are inducted into the Hall Of Fame. I was curious as to who may be missing from the hallowed museum's walls. A quick look into the inductee archives revealed a few glaring omissions of artists who are surely worthy for a place in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. Nirvana, Iron Maiden, Green Day and Flea's band the Chili's are just a few of rock's elite who have yet to be inducted.