For those who didn't get it via email, here is the 2009 Music Vice Newsletter...
Music Vice Newsletter 2009
A message from Music Vice editor Brian BanksHey there! 2008 was an awesome year, wasn't it!?
Last year Music Vice re-launched in Canada, after I made my permanent move from the UK to Canada. The coverage in Canada began during the festival season last summer and took on from there.
A Growing Team Of Writers - We're Going Global In 2009!I started advertising for new contributors in September last year, and the response has been incredible. Already some awesome people have come on board from Canada, the US and the UK. Currently we have writers based in Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, Cleveland area and Philadelphia.
For 2009 the team will grow further to include writers in Australia and the UK. We're going to be covering more shows in more places; expanding coverage both geographically and also in terms of genres of music.
Global coverage from a 100% completely DIY online music zine? Pretty rad stuff, even if I do say so myself!
The concert calendar is still in some kind of state of hibernation, but expect regular coverage of shows to resume as soon as things start warming up a little.
New Stuff Coming For This Year - Disc ReviewsDisc reviews are going to start to be published again on Music Vice in 2009. I used to publish demo reviews back in the early days in Scotland; back when this was a completely one-man operation. The disc reviews stopped in 2006, but for this year we will be reviewing demos and albums once again. There'll probably be a few DVD reviews too from time to time. Basically, we'll be reviewing pretty much anything we get - so long as it spins! So, cough, cough, if you're a record label, publicist or band, you can send us stuff for review to:
Music Vice
P.O. Box 89084
991 King St W.
ON, L8S 4R5
My Tour - The Complete Movie Now Online For Free!In 2007 I went on a journey, video camera in hand, from Hollywood to the Arctic Circle, meeting bands. I have now FINALLY got all three parts of this feature-length documentary online, debuting free exclusively on Music Vice. Part three, the final part, just went live a few days ago.

Watch My Tour
Highlights of 2008
The Editor's PicksBand of the year:
The Bronx

"Yeah, you better not stand still and tap your foot. This is The motherfucking Bronx, so you better throw yourself into it: head first, feet first, whatever." - Brian Banks
Related links:
Review: The Bronx at Warped Tour, MississaugaReview: The Bronx at Sound Academy, Toronto Review: The Bronx at The Opera HouseInterview: Matt at WarpedBest breakthrough act: LIGHTS

"Lights' name is well chosen, performing music to light up faces and hearts." - Brian Banks
Related links:
Interview: Two-part video interview with LIGHTSReview: LIGHTS at Wakestock, TorontoReview: LIGHTS at Sound Academy, TorontoFollow, Follow...Keep bang up-to-date with the latest stuff on Music Vice by subscribing to our various feeds and channels:
RSSFeedburner FeedFeedburner Feed by E-mailYouTubeTwitterMyspace
Link exchangeIf you wish to exchange permanent links from your website to ours then just get in touch. I'd really appreciate it if you could include a link to Music Vice from your blog, label site, band site, or whatever. We'll happily return the favour by adding a link to your site.
Thanks For Visiting - Over 30,000 Unique Visitors Per Month!Back in the summer of last year when Music Vice first re-launched in Canada, the site was barely getting 1000 unique visitors a month after a long spell of the site being dormant. Since then things picked up quickly, with lots of our concert reviews ranking highly on Google, and by November last year we'd reached the 30,000 Unique Visitor mark. I guess the next goal is 50,000 per month. I don't care too much about the numbers, but it's just nice to know that some people are actually visiting our humble little zine. =)
And Thanks To All The Bands, Labels, Publicists, ya-da, ya-da...Cheers to all those who helped Music Vice writers and photographers gain access and accreditation to shows last year. The access is always greatly appreciated and we wouldn't be able to do the stuff we do without your co-operation. Thanks!
Brian, Editor,