Thursday, December 18, 2008

Quacks Say Headbanging Is Bad For You

Head's up heavy metal fans - health experts are advising you to listen to some softer music, or alternatively to wear some protection when headbanging.

In an amusing report published yesterday in the British Medical Journal
two researchers have concluded that headbanging could leave you with a sore neck. Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School of Risk and Safety Sciences, University of New South Wales in Australia, researched the health issues of headbanging and have had their results published. The following conclusion was made:

To minimise the risk of head and neck injury, head bangers should decrease their range of head and neck motion, head bang to slower tempo songs by replacing heavy metal with adult oriented rock, only head bang to every second beat, or use personal protective equipment.

Adult oriented rock??? Exsqueeze me? Not quite sure what that is... I think they are advising metal heads to stop listening to Slayer and start listening to Shania Twain instead.

The editor,

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Winter Slowdown

That deadly duo of Old Man Winter and Santa Claus are once again having their merry way and creating slim-pickings in the concert listings. Ok, sure, there are Christmas-themed concerts happening in cities everywhere, but in general the regular gig calendar takes a backseat as everyone kicks, (or gets kicked), into a Christmas mood - wether they like it or not.

There really aren't that many shows happening anywhere in December and January. This is why every music magazine you see on the shelves at your local newsagent is now doing their annual 'Christmas Special' or 'Best Of 2008' edition.

Right now there's nothing much happening in the world of 'music news' either, aside from a few show cancellations - the latest notable cancellation being Machine Head pulling out of their final two dates in Europe with Slipknot after their guitarist Phil Demmel collapsed on stage near the end of a show in Sheffield, England. Oh, and in other 'news', Metallica will feature in a special edition Guitar Hero game next year...big deal! Another band jumps onto the video game gravy train? Nobody is surprised.

Of course, bands deserve their time off to go eat turkey and drink mass amounts of alcohol and egg nog. Ergo, expect to see a few new less show reviews on Music Vice for a while due to all the semi-hibernation and drunken inebriation that the winter season brings to the gig calendar.

Oh, the other problen with shows in winter is getting coughed and sneezed on by that guy in the pit with a cold. I myself am currently laying low with blocked sinuses and a generally BLAAAAH feeling as once again I've been KO'd by the North American version of the common cold. I'd hoped to see Laura Barrett and company play a show tonight in Hamilton but I self-assesed myself as being in too much of a cold & cough med induced stupor to attend. I really didn't want to be 'that guy' coughing and spluttering on people either. Though this Thursday, the 18th, is the Undergroud Operations bash in Toronto at the Sound Academy with Protest The Hero, LIGHTS, et al and I'm not gonna miss that one for anything. For the next few days I'll continue to nuke my virus with Vitamin C, and hopefully I'll win the war, but if not then apologies in advance to anyone I may share airspace with at that show.

Good luck to anyone braving the cold to make it to shows this winter, and thanks to all those bands playing shows in the upcoming weeks and offering us something a bit more interesting to listen to than all the usual Christmas music that's polluting shopping centres and radiowaves. (The royalty holders to I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus must be rolling in it!)

The editor,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Staind Cancel Toronto Sound Academy Show

Staind have cancelled tonight's show in Toronto at Sound Academy. This was announced 2 hours ago via the bands official website.

"Staind has been forced to cancel Monday’s concert at the Sound Academy in Toronto, as Aaron Lewis has been diagnosed with bronchitis and is under doctor's orders to rest his voice.

Staind sincerely regrets this unavoidable cancellation and apologizes for any disappointment caused.

All tickets will be refunded from point of purchase." - Message on

This is not the first time that Staind have cancelled a show in Toronto - back in 2003 they cancelled a gig in the city due to health concerns following the SARS outbreak.

The editor,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Joe Satriana Sues Coldplay For Plagiarism

Huzzah! More Coldplay related news to brighten up your day!!

I was grinning a few weeks ago when I woke up hear about the rumous that Coldplay could retire in 2009. And I'm smirking today as I check in on the BBC to find a story reporting that Joe Satriani is suing Coldplay for plagiarism.

Satriani is claiming that Coldplay's 2008 single Viva La Vida is a rip-off of his instrumental If I Could Fly.
Satriani, 52, wants a jury trial and is seeking damages and "any and all profits" for the alleged plagiarism. - BBC

You can judge for yourself about the similarities between the two songs by checking out this YouTube video. Interestingly, this video was posted way back in June of this year. As of now it already has over a million hits, with thousands of people commenting on it.

These accusations of plagiarism have sparked a ton of new mashup videos on YouTube - just type the words "Coldplay mashup" on YouTube search if you truly have nothing better to do than watch and listen to Coldplay.

The editor,